Thursday, October 11, 2007

Missy P.

Well, I've been reading through everyone's updates and it's quite humbling, actually.

Lately, I've been realizing how many amazing people walked out the CSCS doors in the year 1992, and I never got to know them as well as I would have liked. I regret that.

Some of your updates have made me smile, and some have made me hurt, but I have enjoyed reading each of them, so thanks for sharing what you have been doing.

So, I'm kind of boring, but here you go:

I traveled up to UNC and majored in Bilingual/Bicultural Elementary Education, which is just a really fancy way of saying I majored in Spanish and el. ed. And no, I don't speak fluent Spanish like some of you do. Andy Parks came up to UNC one year later and majored in Kinesiology, as well as Education. We were married in 1995, our Junior year of college, and he worked three jobs, while I worked one at a daycare, until we graduated.

We both said we would not end up in Colo. Springs and definitely not at CSCS, but sure enough, that is where the Lord put Andy the fall of 1997, and he is still there. I worked in D-20 for a year, and came to CSCS a year later. Needless to say, we love it. I must admit, it has been very strange to be in faculty meetings sitting next to Mrs. Borkert, or Miss Bruce. A little creepy at first, but it's become home, you know? And now, Andy is the Athletic Director there, and after teaching Kindergarten for five years, I am teaching Spanish part time at the Elementary school.

OK, moving on…the Lord brought us our precious daughter Tori on July 8, 2002. Ej came on May 25, 2005. They are blessings and they keep me very busy. Andy is an awesome dad, and I have so much fun seeing him laugh and be silly with the kids. Knowing our kids will get to go to the school with Mr. Bray (Did any of you have him as a principal? I adore that man) thrills me. I am so thankful for that.

Anyway, there's stuff in between, let's see: Andy's parents are doing great, but his dad had open heart surgery after they found an aneurism in his heart about five years ago. Andy had some tests done and he has an aneurism as well, so we watch and pray that it does not grow, because he will also need to have open-heart surgery soon, as well. My dad has been very ill, but is optimistic as always. He had cancer, a heart attack, and is suffering from Minier's Disease, but the Lord has given him a beautiful spirit of grace and I admire him greatly for his courage.

Well, I said to myself that I wouldn't let this get lengthy, but look at it! Yuck! I guess that when I think of CSCS and the people that it involves, well it is what helped me through some of the most difficult years of my life. So, you might not even know it, but there were so many of you that made my days brighter and I'm a better person today because of it, because of CSCS. I hope you are able to see some of God's handiwork in your lives today, and thanks again, Brandon, for keeping us all in touch!


Daria said...

Missy—I’m glad to hear something from you! I have to agree with you about CSCS—as time has gone on, I have more and more things to be thankful about re: my time there and the CSCS people who changed and blessed—and continue to bless—me! what a privilege to have spent those years there.
And—your life is far from boring. There’s no WAY it could be boring—you’re investing in children’s lives! = ) Kids are endlessly interesting and entertaining, after all, and pouring yourself into them is one beautiful, sacred thing to do, Missy! : )
On a different note, if ever you want to connect with someone your own age who’s been through the dear-ones-being-seriously-ill thing, I hope you will feel free to email me (or call—Brandon could get you my #). It is a precious thing to be able to support each other and encourage and pray for each other along life’s journey. : )
I’m sending a hug and prayers for continued grace and peace~
Daria : )

Elena Cruz Cunnings said...

Ok- then WHY haven't you called you crazy girl!! Either way I'm proud of you for the desire to want my number. I had such a good time seeing you this summer. Always feels like old times. I won't be home for the holidays which is such a bummer for me. Did Tori start Kindergarten this year? HOw's it going?

Katie Schaffer said...

Hey there lady...Morgann is in Mrs. Hall's class. I keep asking her if she sees you since I heard you were back at the school. She tells me that she just sees Mrs. Hesterman. Haven't been to any basketball games lately either. I'm sure I'll be at one the next time they do the cheerleader clinic. Morgann will tell you that being a cheerleader is "her destiny" :) I see your in-laws every year when they come in to get their taxes done. Glad to hear Andy's dad is doing better. Blessings! Katie

Katie Schaffer said...

Heard your mother-in-law on the radio this morning and she mentioned Andy was going in for surgery. I'll uphold him to the Lord for protection and quick healing! Keep us posted, please!

Team Moore said...

I no kidding smile when I think of you Missy! I hope things are well with you and your family. I dedicate the next York Peppermint Patty to you my friend!
